Coffee House Rebrand


To rebrand a coffee house by creating a rebranded booklet, doing ux/ui research, designing a new logo, value proposition, mock ups, & extension of Keurig package design.

The brand, White Mountain Bagel, is a small coffee shop located in Lincoln, New Hampshire.


The beginning of the process was to research about the coffee house and get information on their company, location, audience, & affordances.

Design Process

coffee house rebrand logo

When designing the logo, I wanted to keep the symbolism of the bagel since it is a keyword in their brand name. I chose fonts that fit a wilderness, NH vibe, and earth toned colors. I also incorporated a sunset with mountains in the hole of the bagel, to bring the location into the logo design.

I also designed a package design for a Keurig box, with the K-cup design. The box design resembles mountain hills and clouds in a pattern of earth tones, along with showcasing the logo on a banner. I wanted it to be a warming packaging with the same affordance as the logo.

Rebrand Booklet

I designed and created a booklet of the complete rebrand for the coffee house.

coffee house rebrand booklet design

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