OSCC New Social Media


The project was to create a week’s calendar of content for the OSCC’s social media pages. OSCC is the Ocean State Curling Club, based in RI.


Gathering content and doing research OSCC for their social media page and on the sport was the first step. My classmates and I spoke with the head of the club, Gordon Walsh, to get information on how it works and what they are looking to achieve with their social media pages. Some went to gather actual content of images and video so we can produce live footage for their social media.


  • Keep locals and members informed
  • Fun Facts on Curling
  • Engage audience of curling club events

Creative Process

Social Media Calendar for OSCC's Instagram page.

Calendar for OSCC’s social media postings.

Design Process

For creating the content I used Canva. I started by making a solid color variation of their logo, to make it fit each post. When creating some of the social media posts I needed to get some information, such as some historical curling facts, and events going on for the OSCC. I kept the color scheme of the posts the same as their logo shades, and chose fonts that aren’t too playful or serious. I also created a style guide for the OSCC social media content.

Style Guide

Social media style guide for OSCC Instagram page
OSCC style guide for color palette and typography
OSCC style guide content guidelines and emojis/hashtags for their Instagram page

Social Media Posts

OSCC-social media Instagram post of curling fact
Curling club Instagram post to support members on the ice
Curling club fun fact Instagram post
Instagram story watching club on the ice
Instagram story OSCC volunteers

Check out their page!

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