Brewery Rebrand


The assignment was to create a re-brand for a brewery. I rebranded Northwoods Brewery, giving them a new logo, value prop, extended seltzer line and created a 16 page booklet about the re-brand. 

The brand, Northwoods Brewery, is located in Northwoods, New Hampshire. They are a modern but rustic environment selling draft beer, food, and also bakery items. The purpose for the re-brand is to give them a new logo to better represent what they stand for, along with extending their brand. 

Target Audience

A typical buyer persona for their brand would be a 25-30 year old man who loves beer and the wilderness environment. Someone who enjoys drinking with friends, a loved one, or family. A regular beer drinker who loves to try new breweries. The buyer persona could also be toward families, wanting a bite to eat with parents who want a beer. 

SWOT Analysis

– Variety of beers, flights, cans
– Food menu and bakery
– Offers a tour
– Entertains Live Music
– Small Company
– Limited website, but active socials
– Seltzer brand extension
– New location?
– Distribution of sales to liquor stores and markets (NH)
– A lot of breweries in NH and in New England
– Need better advertising to beat other places and bring in customers

Design Process

The rebranding process started with some research of the company on their website and social pages. I looked into their logo, building interior and exterior, current packaging for their cans and any other advertising they have. I also looked into what they sell and have to offer. 

When creating the logo, I wanted to incorporate a compass of some sort to signify the “North.” I also wanted to give it a northern look with an idea of mountains or trees. I brainstormed a few different ideas so after my sketches were done I could see what would further work and what wouldn’t with creating them in illustrator. The brewery’s building is a vibrant red color and is a significant icon, so adding that into their logo would help their brand be more recognizable and memorable. I symbolized as the bottom mountain peak to flow with the compass, along with using a bumped stroke line on the bottom half of the compass to symbolize more mountains.

I tried multiple variations when creating logos in illustrator, adding a few color options to them before deciding which direction to go in. My original building for the logo was very flat, so I changed it up by tracing the building from a photograph to have accuracy, and giving my strokes some styles to have its own look to it. 

The colors were a difficult choice because I didn’t want anything crazy as they have a red building and a modern/rustic interior look, but I wanted some color for when they advertise without the black and white logo version. I added a red to pop the building and compass and a tinted blue-gray to the background. I also made the linework for the compass brown so it wouldn’t be so bold and dark with a lot of black.

Northwoods brewery rebranded logo
Northwoods brewery rebranded logo in color

Brand Extension

The brand extension was to design a hard seltzer line for the brewery. I created multiple flavors for the can designs, and a 4-pack box design. I created a gradient of mountains and used a topographic map pattern as a background for the NH company.

4-pack hard seltzer can design for one of the three flavors
Brewery rebrand hard seltzer can package design showing three flavors

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